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A member registered Sep 24, 2021

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I am hoping that every version makes improvements (some AAA game developers didn't get that message, lol). And I imagine it will be worth waiting for. I have no clue how hard it is to develop a game, or any programs, but I can believe it is hard and time consuming, not to mention things in life will always take priority. Good first impressions on Android devices is definitely a good sign

It is just unfortunate I can't play the game right now, but here's hoping that the next version will work

So genuine issue I am encountering is that the game is unplayable, on both my windows laptop and android phone (despite nekogotchi working fine)

The PC issue is that all the assets that are supposed to appear above the black void background disappear almost immediately as soon as the game is loaded (happens on both the browser and downloaded versions of the game)

The android issue is that there is no .apk file to download, so it can't be an app, and trying to use the web version doesn't work when I attempted to use it, both doesn't load any assets (besides the menu) above the void, and hitting 'New' to start a new game just causes the game to be stuck on the loading screen

I think the starting story for the game sounds interesting, but I am unfortunately unable to play it in any capacity. Any ideas what may be causing the issues and how to fix them?